The Chris Buckland Quintet: NZ Jazz Standards + New Music for Quintet
You’ve seen him around town on the gigs and in the trenches of the Wellington music scene over the years with such luminaries as, The Richter City Rebels, Rodger Fox’s Wellington Jazz Orchestra, The JAC, The Hip-Town Bangers, Gold Nugget Pawn Shop, Soldiers of the Pharaoh, Myele Manzanza, Lisa Tomlins and many more.
Ever the consummate sideman, Chris brings his new quintet to the WJC to explore quintet versions of some of his favourite tunes from gigs past, alongside new original music to be premiered tonight.
Chris Buckland Quintet
Featuring: Chris Buckland (Tenor/Soprano Sax), Jake Baxendale (Alto Sax/Bass Clarinet), Ayrton Foote (Keys), Scott Maynard (Bass), Hikurangi Schaverien-Kaa (Drums/Cymbals)
Date: Thur 6 December 2018, 8pm
Venue: Pyramid Club, Level, 272 Taranaki St.
Price: General $15, WJC members and Students with ID $8