Born in New Zealand into a musical family, Adrienne acquired her first organ in 2003 when she imported a Hammond C3 from Canada. She taught herself to play by copying recordings by Jimmy Smith, Joey DeFrancesco, Groove Holmes and Jack McDuff. In 2008,after performing clubs and festivals throughout New Zealand and Australia, Adrienne moved to the USA sharing the stage with Joey Defrancesco, Ronnie Cuber, Bruce Forman, Victor Jones, Tony Monaco, Sherrie Maricle and headlined jazz clubs including Cliff Bells (Detroit), The Blue Wisp (Cincinnati, OH), Jazz Central (Dayton, Oh) and Night Town (Cleveland, OH). Now based in New York City performing in clubs such as Minton’s, The Garage, Smoke, Showman’s, Red Rooster, and BB Kings.
Adrienne McKay Trio
Featuring: Adrienne McKay (o), Mark Lockett (d) and Callum Allardice (g).
Date: Thur 1 Apr 2021, 7.30pm
Venue: Lovebite, 2 Forresters Lane
Price: Tickets available on Eventfinda, Door sales: General $20, WJC members $15, and Students with ID $10